HEIDENHAIN Angle Encoders
HEIDENHAIN provide a vast range of Angle encoders with world-renowned accuracy, line counts and reliability. HEIDENHAIN angle encoders are generally used on rotary tables and swivel head machines in the machine tool industry where high angular measurement, position and resolution are required.
HEIDENHAIN Angle encoders are available in many different configurations from sealed integral bearings to modular bearings, utilising the rotary mechanical axis supplied on the machine tool. With accuracy down to +/- 0.9″ (seconds) and line counts of up to 180000. HEIDENHAIN Angle encoders are available in incremental and absolute signal formats with various mechanical mountings from stub shaft, hollow bore, blind bore and modular – almost any application is covered.

ROD angle encoders with solid shaft are particularly suited to applications where higher shaft speeds and larger mounting tolerances are required. The shaft couplings allow axial tolerances of ± 1 mm.
HEIDENHAIN angle encoders are characterised by high accuracy values in the arc second range. Examples for application:
- Rotary tables on machine tools
- Swivel heads on machine tools
- C axes on lathes
- Gear-testing machines
- Printing units of printing machines
- Spectrometers
- Telescopes
HEIDENHAIN Sealed Angle Encoders for Separate Shaft Coupling – Solid Shaft
ROD angle encoders with solid shaft are ideal for applications requiring the tolerances of higher shaft speeds and larger mounting flexibility. The shaft couplings allow axial tolerances of ± 1 mm.
HEIDENHAIN Sealed Angle Encoders for Integrated Stator Coupling – Hollow Shaft
With an integrated stator coupling, the stated system accuracy also includes the deviations from the shaft coupling with the following advantages:
- Compact size for limited installation space
- Hollow shaft diameters up to 100 mm for leading power cables, etc.
- Simple mounting flexibility
HEIDENHAIN Modular Angle Encoders – Optical Scanning
HEDIENHAIN angle encoders without an integral bearing (modular angle encoders) are intended for integration within machine elements or apparatus. They are suited for the following requirements:
- Large hollow shaft diameter (up to 10m with a scale tape)
- High shaft RPM speeds up to 20000 rpm
- No additional starting torque from shaft seals
- Segment solutions
HEIDENHAIN Modular Angle Encoders with Magnetic Scanning
HEIDENHAIN ERM magnetic modular encoders are suited for use in production machines, with their large inside diameters, small compact design and non contact scanning heads high speeds can be catered for with C axis of lathes, spindle speed and orientation on milling machines.

The ERM modular encoders from HEIDENHAIN consist of a magnetised scale drum and a scanning unit with magnetoresistive sensor. Their MAGNODUR measuring standard and the magnetoresistive scanning principle make them particularly tolerant to contamination.